From the Editor

Vinod Ravindran MD, FRCP
Director, Centre for Rheumatology,
Calicut, Kerala

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to present the first issue of IRA e-newsletter in 2023 which also is the first for me as its Editor-in-Chief.

We ( have worked diligently in our endeavour to make this official publication of the IRA easy to read with a content which is appealing and engaging to all even beyond the IRA fraternity.

Keeping in mind our vision for the e-newsletter “Be innovative and think of life more and science less”; executive editor for this issue, Dr Parthajit Das has included an exciting range of topics with contributors ranging from the doyens and experts from Indian rheumatology and other specialties to our extremely talented younger members.

This news letter is available on a dedicated page within IRA’s website. Please use the Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to spread the word.

What would you like to read? Please share your feedbacks and suggestion on

Best wishes

Prof. Vinod Ravindran MD FRCP
Editor-in-Chief, IRA e-newsletter

Editorial Office
Centre for Rheumatology
On Chevarambalam- Paropady Road
Calicut, Kerala